Graduate School Human and Environmental Studies/Mathematical and Information Sciences
Undergraduate School Mathematical and Information Sciences (Division of Cognitive and Information Sciences)
Other Affiliation
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Until 2023, the undergraduate school had five divisions. 'Division' provided above refers to the faculty member's former affiliation.
Research areas Mathematical Physics, Partial Differential Equations
Keywords Schroedinger Equation, Spectral and Scattering Theory
Major publications (with Y. Tsujii) On spectral and scattering theory for one-body quantum systems in crossed constant electric and magnetic fields, Rev. Math. Phys. 36 (2024), Paper No. 2450011.
(with K. Itakura, K. Ito and E. Skibsted) Spectral theory for 1-body Stark operators, Journal of Differential Equations 268 (2020), 5179--5206.
(with A. Kiyose) On the Mourre estimates for Floquet Hamiltonians, Letters in Mathematical Physics 109 (2019), 2513--2529.
(with M. Kawamoto) Quantum scattering in a periodically pulsed magnetic field, Ann. Henri Poincare 17 (2016), 2409--2438.
(with Y. Fujiwara and A. Ishida) On multidimensional inverse scattering in time-dependent electric fields, Inverse Problems 29 (2013), 085012.
(with M. Kawamoto) Avron-Herbst type formula in crossed constant magnetic and time-dependent electric fields, Lett. Math. Phys. 102 (2012), 65--90.
Asymptotic completeness for N-body quantum systems with long-range interactions in a time-periodic electric field, Commun. Math. Phys. 275 (2007), 443--477.
On spectral and scattering theory for N-body Schrodinger operators in a constant magnetic field, Rev. Math. Phys. 14 (2002), 199--240.
Scattering theory for a two-body quantum system in a constant magnetic field, J. Math. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo 8 (2001), 243--274.
Scattering theory for N-body quantum systems in a time-periodic electric field, Funkcial. Ekvac. 44 (2001), 335--376.
(with H. Tamura) Asymptotic Completeness for Long-Range Many-Particle Systems with Stark Effect, II, Commun. Math. Phys. 174 (1996), 537--559.
Propagation estimates for N-body Stark Hamiltonians, Ann. l'Inst. H. Poincare -- Phys. Theor. 62 (1995), 409--428.
Professional societies/Research and synergic activities The Mathematical Society of Japan
Teaching Areas
  • Undergraduate courses Real Analysis A, B
    Research in Mathematical Science
  • Graduate courses (Master's program) Analysis of Mathematical Phenomena 1
    Seminar on Mathematics of Phenomena 4A, 4B
  • Graduate courses (Doctor's program) Special Seminar on Mathematics of Phenomena 1, 2
    Special Seminar on Mathematical Science
  • Undergraduate courses open to all departments Calculus with Exercises A, B
    Linear Algebra with Exercises A, B
    Advanced Linear Algebra

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