ABE, Hiroshi Professor
Graduate School | Human and Environmental Studies/Humanity, Society and Thought |
Undergraduate School | Humanity, Society and Thought (Division of Human Sciences) |
Other Affiliation | Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Personal Page |

Research areas | Western Philosophy (in particular, ontology, history of metaphysics and environmental philosophy), Japanese Philosophy (in particular, Kyoto School of Philosophy) |
Keywords | ontology, existential philosophy, phenomenology, environmental philosophy, Martin Heidegger, Hans Jonas |
Themes | My main research interest is the relationship between world and self. On the basis of this, I am engaged in theoretically considering environmental issues. The topic of my present research is to lay an existential groundwork for present generation's responsibility for future generations. A new ethical groundwork for human being's existence, which presupposes an attempt to reconstruct ontology and ethics, will be my lifework. |
Major publications | - Gen –– sono Rogosu to Êtosu. Heidegger eno Ôtô (The There (Das Da) –– Its Logos and Ethos. „Correspondence” to Heidegger), Kôyô-Shobô, Kyoto, July 2002. - Heidegger Tokuhon (Heidegger-Handbook), ed. by Hiroshi Abe, Katsuya Akitomi, Masataka Furushô and Ichirô Mori, Hôsei University Press, Tokyo, November 2014. - Zoku Heidegger Tokuhon (Heidegger-Handbook 2), ed. by Hiroshi Abe, Katsuya Akitomi, Masataka Furushô and Ichirô Mori, Hôsei University Press, Tokyo, May 2016. - Nishida und Heidegger über das Selbstsein, in: Kitarô Nishida in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts, edited by Rolf Elberfeld and Yoko Arisaka, Karl Alber, Freiburg / München, February 2014, 294-312. - From Symbiosis (kyôsei) to the Ontology of ‘Arising Both from Oneself and from Another’ (gûshô), in: Environmental Philosophy in Asian Tradition of Thought, edited by Baird Callicott and James McRae, SUNY Press, Albany, March 2014, 315-336. - Ist die Welt sinnlos? –– Leibniz und Jonas, in: Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee No. 14 / 2015, edited by Sebastiano Ghisu and Andrea Tagliapietra, IPOC di Pietro Condemi, Vimodrone, January 2016, 113-122. |
Professional societies/Research and synergic activities | |
Teaching Areas |
Background | Born in 1971 Tôdaiji-Gakuen High school, Nara, Japan (1987-90) Kyoto University, Faculty of Letter, Kyoto, Japan (1990-93) B. A., Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies (1993-95) Ph.D., Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies (1995-99) Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University (2000-03) Assistant Professor at Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan (2003-06) Associate Professor at Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University (2006-16) Research Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation [Host Institution: Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Theory of Science and Religious Studies, Chair Ⅰ., Host: Professor Dr. Thomas Buchheim] (2011-12) Full Professor at Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University (2016-) Awarded the 2017 Philipp Franz von Siebold Prize [Federal Republic of Germany] (2017) |