Graduate School Human and Environmental Studies/Language Sciences
Undergraduate School
Other Affiliation Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences
Personal Page Website

Message to the prospective students

To prospective students interested in joining my laboratory:

I welcome students to my lab from all over the world. If eligible, applicants would be encouraged to apply for a MEXT (Japanese Ministry of Education) scholarship to study under my mentorship.
Research areas Applied Intercultural Social Psychology
Keywords virtual intercultural exchange, team learning, exploratory practice, indigenous cultural concepts
Themes I'm currently interested in applying social psychology through team learning and an educational philosophy called Exploratory Practice to understand indigenous (emic) psychology concepts via virtual intercultural exchanges with students and teachers in Japan, China, Germany, and Indonesia. I use "virtual intercultural fieldwork" as a methodology to theorize and practice a pedagogy of transcultural understanding.
Major publications Dalsky, D., & Su, J. (2024). A virtual transcultural understanding pedagogy: Online exchanges of emic Asian cultural concepts. Journal of Transcultural Communication.

Dalsky, D., & Mattig, R. (2023). ​Intercultural learning about cultural concepts using English as a lingua franca: Online exchanges between German and Japanese university students. Kyoto University Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences Bulletin, 6, 1-115.

Dalsky, D., Harimurti, A., Widiyanto, C., & Su, J. Y. (2022). A virtual intercultural training method: Exchanges of Javanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese emic concepts. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 25, 121-134.    

Su, J. Y., Arayanta, T., Shih, Y., & Dalsky, D. (2021). English as an international language in practice: Virtual intercultural fieldwork between Balinese and Chinese EFL learners. Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education.

Dalsky, D., & Su, J. Y. (2020). Japanese psychology and intercultural training: Presenting wa in a nomological network. In D. Landis, & D. Bhawuk (Eds.). Cambridge handbook of intercultural training 4th Edition (pp. 584-597). Cambridge University Press.

Dalsky, D., & Su, J. Y. (2020). Rappin’ on campus: Multiliteracies in action in Japan. In J. K. Shin, & P. Vinogradova (Eds.). Contemporary foundations for teaching English as an additional language: Pedagogical approaches and classroom applications (pp.181-185). Routledge.

Stewart, T., Dalsky, D., & Tajino A. (2018). Team learning potential for TESOL practice. TESOL Journal, 10(3), 1-12.

Tajino, A., Stewart, T., & Dalsky, D. (Eds.). (2015). Team teaching and team learning in the language classroom: Collaboration for innovation in ELT. New York: Routledge.

Dalsky, D., & Garant, M. (2015). A 5,000-mile virtual collaboration of team teaching and team learning. In A. Tajino, T. Stewart, & D. Dalsky (Eds.), Team teaching and team learning in the language classroom: Collaboration for innovation in ELT (pp. 164-178). New York: Routledge.

Dalsky, D., & Landis, D. (2013). Cross-cultural training. In K. D. Keith (Ed.), The encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology (pp. 275-278). Wiley-Blackwell.

Dalsky, D. (2011). Effects of communicating success with friends on self-esteem in Japan and the United States. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychological Sciences, 54(4), 178-189.

Dalsky, D. (2010). Individuality in Japan and the United States: A cross-cultural priming experiment. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 34(5), 429-435.

Tajino, A., Stewart, T., & Dalsky, D. (Eds.). (2010). Writing for academic purposes: Eisakubun wo sostugyoshite eigoronbun wo kaku. Tokyo: Hitsuji Press.

Dalsky, D., Gohm, C. L., Noguchi, K., & Shiomura K. (2008). Mutual self-enhancement in Japan and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39(2), 215-223.
Professional societies/Research and synergic activities International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR), Fellow
Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research - Japan (SIETAR-Japan)
Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
Teaching Areas
  • Undergraduate courses Academic English Writing-Listening
  • Graduate courses (Master's program) Intercultural Understanding Pedagogy
  • Graduate courses (Doctor's program)
  • Undergraduate courses open to all departments Academic Writing and Listening in English

Background Professional background:

Associate Professor, Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kyoto University (2014-present)
Associate Professor, Grad. School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University (2014-present)
Associate Professor, Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Ed., Kyoto University (2008-2014)
Visiting Lecturer, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University (2007-2008)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Division of Human Sciences, Hokkaido University (2006-2007)
Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT) Scholar, Faculty of Arts, Shinshu University (2004-2006)
Instructor, Psychology Department, University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA (2002-2004)
Instructor, Croft Institute for International Studies, University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA (2001-2004)

Educational background:

Ph.D. in Social Psychology, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, USA (2005)
M.A. in Social Psychology, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, USA (2002)
B.A. in Psychology, Saint Norbert College, De Pere, Wisconsin, USA (1998)

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