KAJIMARU, Gaku Assistant Professor
Graduate School | Human and Environmental Studies/Cultural, Regional and Historical Studies on the Environment |
Undergraduate School | Cultural, Regional and Historical Studies on the Environment (Division of Cultural Environment Studies) |
Other Affiliation | |
kajimaru.gaku.6n "at" kyoto-u.ac.jp | |
Personal Page | Website |
Research areas | Linguistic Anthropology, Ethnomusicology |
Keywords | Reciprocal Singing, Japanese Traditional Folksong, Interaction, China, Buyi, Laos, Japan (Akita) |
Themes | Although performing arts are a minor topic in cultural anthropology, it is a very interesting practice in which the various contexts of the people are closely intertwined. I have conducted fieldwork in Guizhou Province, China, Huaphan Province, Laos, and Akita Prefecture, Japan, focusing on reciprocal singing. Reciprocal singing is a performing art in which people sing songs together with lyrics attached on the spot, and is characterized by its emphasis on the exchange of verbal expressions. Therefore, I have conducted my research by paying attention to each of the language and music used in koryu-uta, as well as the society that upholds this art form, crossing over various disciplines as necessary. Since song is established at the intersection of language and music, I am currently trying to capture reciprocal singing by going back and forth between linguistic anthropology and ethnomusicology. I have recently broadened my interest and am conducting research on the society of folk song (Min'yō) aficionados in Akita Prefecture. |
Major publications | 2013 Ethnography of the Mountain Song: How to do Conversation with Song. Kyoto University Press. (in Japanese) 2013 "Codeswitching in the Reciprocal Singing Called "Mountain Song" in Guizhou, China : Between Language Shift and Cultural Revival." The JapaneseJournalof Language in Society. 15(2):58-65. (in Japanese) 2015 (co-ed.) Texture of the World: Introduciton to the Field Philosophy. Nakanishiya-Shuppan. (in Japanese) 2016 (co-ed.) Fieldnotes: from multidisciplinary perspective. Kokon-Shoin Publisher. (in Japanese) 2021 (co-ed.) An Anthropology of Ba: Place and Performance Co-emerging. Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press. |
Professional societies/Research and synergic activities | The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (JASCA) The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (JASS) The Society for Research in Asiatic Music (Tôyô Ongaku Gakkai, TOG) Association of Asian Folk Culture Studies International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) The International Council for Traditional Music(ICTM) |
Teaching Areas |
Background | 1999 Graduate from Faculty of Integrated Human Studies of Kyoto University 2003 Admitted to the master's course of the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies (Field of Cultural Anthropology) 2005 Got a Master's degree in Human and Environmental Studies 2005 Admitted to the doctoral course of the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies (Field of Cultural Anthropology) 2009 JSPS Research Fellow (DC2, PD from October 2009) 2011 JSPS Research Fellow (PD) 2012 Got a Doctoral degree in Human and Environmental Studies (Kyoto University) 2014 Part-time Lecturer (Research Fellow) at Kyoto City University of Arts 2017 Assistant Professor at Kyoto University (Graduate school of Human and Environmnetal Studies) |