Graduate School Human and Environmental Studies/Cultural, Regional and Historical Studies on the Environment
Undergraduate School Cultural, Regional and Historical Studies on the Environment (Division of Cultural Environment Studies)
Other Affiliation
Email maeda.masahiro.8c(at mark)
Personal Page Website
Until 2023, the undergraduate school had five divisions. 'Division' provided above refers to the faculty member's former affiliation.

Message to the prospective students

In my laboratory, we aim to conduct research that contributes to the construction of theories that support local housing, community development, and community practice. I find it interesting to learn from cutting-edge theories and methodologies in the humanities, social sciences, and other adjacent fields, and to gain new knowledge through the application of these theories and methodologies to the field and to practice. Since we emphasize fieldwork and collaboration in the field, it is essential to have an attitude of patiently dealing with events that occur in the field. However, we welcome those who are willing to explore cities, regions, and homes from a broad perspective, without being overly preoccupied.
Research areas Architectural Planning, Housing and Community Design, Disaster Prevention and Restoration
Keywords Housing, Community Development, Community Design, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster Reconstruction, Fieldwork, Action Research
Themes Our research focuses on how people live in modern cities, and explores theories and methodologies that can be applied to urban space design and urban planning. We emphasize the importance of thinking from the "field," and through research methods such as fieldwork and action research, we actively collaborate and cooperate with the people concerned (residents and specialists) and researchers in adjacent fields to develop a variety of research and practical activities.
Specifically, we are conducting surveys and analyses of the long-term recovery process of homes, livelihoods, and communities in natural disaster-stricken areas in Japan and overseas, as well as practical research on urban development and community support activities in Asian countries, including Kyoto. We are also developing theories to integrate and share the findings obtained in the field, based on social and spatial theories.
Major publications
Professional societies/Research and synergic activities
Teaching Areas
  • Undergraduate courses
  • Graduate courses (Master's program)
  • Graduate courses (Doctor's program)
  • Undergraduate courses open to all departments
Background 【Educational Background】
Mar 2004 Graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture
Mar 2006 Completed Master's program in Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
Jan 2012 Completed Doctoral program in Urban and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

【Career Summary】
Apr 2008 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2) (until Mar 2010)
Feb 2012 Researcher, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (until Mar 2013)
Apr 2013 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (PD) (until Apr 2013)
May 2013 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (until September 2017)
Oct 2017 Lecturer, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (until Sep 2019)
Oct 2019 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University (until Mar 2021) 
Apr 2021 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University (to present)
(During this period, he has been a part-time lecturer at Osaka Sangyo University, Kinki University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Ritsumeikan University and Doshisha University.)

【Major awards and honors 】
May 2013 Editorial Award, Association of Urban Housing Science
May 2013 First Prize, D. Dissertation Contest, Association of Urban Housing Science
August 2013 Incentive Award, Architectural Institute of Japan
June 2014 Research Award, Housing Research Award JUSOKEN
May 2015 Research Award, Association of Urban Housing Science
May 2017 Award for Outstanding Authorship, Association of Urban Housing Science
August 2024 Japan Architectural Review Best Paper Award 2023

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