Graduate School Human and Environmental Studies/Studies on Global Coexistence
Undergraduate School Studies on Global Coexistence (Division of Cultural Environment Studies)
Other Affiliation Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
Email tokunaga.yu.4a[at]
Personal Page
Until 2023, the undergraduate school had five divisions. 'Division' provided above refers to the faculty member's former affiliation.
Research areas U.S. Immigration History
Keywords Transpacific History, Race and Ethnicity, Immigration Policy, Japanese Immigration History, Mexican Immigration History
Themes What causes discrimination and inequalities between different groups of people in our society? How can we overcome these problems? Considering these questions, I have conducted historical research on the immigrant society in California, the United States, where many Asians and Latin Americans migrated and interacted with each other. My first book, Transborder Los Angeles (University of California Press, 2022), has demonstrated how local interethnic relations and international relations intersected with one another, intensifying racial discrimination and economic inequality, as well as how people with different ethnoracial backgrounds could nurture mutual understanding in the immigrant society.

My next project will explore the history of undocumented Japanese immigrants in the United States during the first half of the twentieth century. From a perspective of transpacific history, it considers how we can historicize undocumented immigration as a way of life in the modern world shared by migrants, including Japanese.
Major publications Book
- Yu Tokunaga, Transborder Los Angeles: An Unknown Transpacific History of Japanese-Mexican Relations (University of California Press, 2022)

Book Chapter
- 徳永悠「胃袋の定住-日本人移民とカリフォルニア米-」『移民の衣食住Ⅰ-海を渡って何を食べるのか-』文理閣、2022年3月
- Yu Tokunaga, "Making of a Transpacific Americanist via Latin America: Myself Discovered through Immigration History" in Unpredictable Agents: The Making of Japan's Americanists during the Cold War and Beyond edited by Mari Yoshihara (University of Hawai'i Press, 2021)
- 徳永悠「排日から排墨へ― 一九二〇年代カリフォルニア州における人種化経験の連鎖―」成田龍一、竹沢泰子、田辺明生編『環太平洋地域の移動と人種―統治から管理へ、遭遇から連帯へ』京都大学学術出版会、2020年1月

Journal Article
- Yu Tokunaga, "Japanese Immigrants and the History of Rice in California," Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History (Oxford University Press), February 2024
- 徳永悠「「トランスナショナル」が問う研究の在り方-日本移民学会年次大会シンポジウムの議論から-」『移民研究年報』(日本移民学会)第26号、9-17頁、2020年6月
- Yu Tokunaga, “Japanese Farmers, Mexican Workers, and the Making of Transpacific Borderlands,” Pacific Historical Review (University of California Press), 89, no.2 (Spring 2020): 165-197.
- 徳永悠「「メキシコ人問題」と移民メディア-1920年代ロサンゼルスにおける排外主義とメキシコ人移民の抵抗-」『アメリカ史研究』(日本アメリカ史学会)第42号特集、3-18頁、2019年8月
- Yu Tokunaga, “Japanese Internment as an Agricultural Labor Crisis: Wartime Debates over Food Security versus Military Necessity,” Southern California Quarterly (University of California Press) 101, no. 1 (Spring 2019): 79-113.
- 徳永悠「排日移民法と在メキシコ日本人-米墨国境地域における日本人移民社会圏の発展-」『移民研究年報』(日本移民学会)第24号、65-82頁、2018年6月
- 徳永悠「1970年代カリフォルニア州におけるエルマンダー・メヒカーナ・ナシオナルの非合法移民支援活動-非合法移民の人権を具体化する運動として-」『アメリカ史評論』(関西アメリカ史研究会)第31号、32-57頁、2014年3月
- 徳永悠「1950年代カリフォルニア州におけるメキシコ人非合法移民支援団体の設立過程-支援団体エルマンダー・メヒカーナ・ナシオナルを例に-」『社会システム研究』(京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科社会システム研究刊行会)第16号、111-123頁、2013年3月

Other works
- 徳永悠「「非合法納税者」と合法化運動-サンディエゴ郡・メキシコ人非合法移民の実態調査(1980)を中心に-」、京都外国語大学・京都ラテンアメリカ研究所『紀要』第13号、31-40頁、2013年12月(研究ノート)
- 徳永悠「移民と農業、アメリカと日本」、京都大学人文科学研究所・所報『人文』第65号、31-33頁、2018年6月
Professional societies/Research and synergic activities American Historical Association, Western History Association, Ethnic and Immigration History Society, Japanese Association for Migration Studies, Japanese Association for American Studies
Teaching Areas
  • Undergraduate courses
  • Graduate courses (Master's program)
  • Graduate courses (Doctor's program)
  • Undergraduate courses open to all departments
Background Education
- Ph.D. History, University of Southern California, 2018
- M.A. History, University of Southern California, 2015
- M.A. Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, 2012
- B.A. Faculty of Letters (Contemporary History), Kyoto University, 2006

Academic Appointment, Affiliation, and Employment History
- Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (with a joint appointment at the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies), Kyoto University, April 2020-present
- Assistant Professor, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, April 2016-March 2020
- Teaching Assistant, Department of History, University of Southern California, August 2013-December 2015
- Research Fellow (DC1), Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, April 2012-August 2012
- Newspaper Reporter, the Asahi Shimbun Company, April 2006-March 2010
人間・環境学研究科パンフレット 総合人間学部パンフレット