Graduate School Human and Environmental Studies/Language Sciences
Undergraduate School
Other Affiliation Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences
Email yanase.yosuke.3n(at sign)
Personal Page Website

Message to the prospective students

The thesis guidance for students will be in line with my research approach described below. Instruction will be mostly on theoretical studies that analyze crucial concepts, practical studies that target and verbalize the practitioner's practical knowledge, or more theoretically oriented practical studies that deepen the analysis of that practical wisdom. About so-called quantitative and qualitative research, I take an applied and clinical approach which respects complexities and (multiple) subjectivities from language teaching research. (Please refer to Yanase (2020)) Therefore, it is difficult for me to supervise students who want to derive universal causality from only a small amount of quantitative data in an experiment that oversimplifies the context of the practice.
 Those who are considering me as one of the candidates for their supervisor MUST download the "Entry Format for a Research Proposal" from the URL below, fill it out, and send it to me as an email attachment. I will not conduct an interview unless applicants submit the format.
 If I find that the proposal is good enough, I will proceed to a Skype/Zoom interview. During the interview, I will see if the applicant has sufficient general academic skills to write a thesis and is prepared to take on the long hardships of learning. The applicant and I will check whether they can form a relationship that allows for frank constructive criticism mutually. They will also check whether their research styles are close enough to each other. I take this procedure because a supervisor and an applicant need sufficient mutual understanding before the applicant begins the life as a graduate or research student, which costs financial and human resources. For more information about my research style, please refer to the blog below.
For further questions, potential applicants are welcome to send an email to Yanase at "".

Research areas philosophical language pedagogy
Keywords English Language Teaching / Language Teaching, Practitioner Research / Practical Research, Qualitative Study, Meaning
Themes My specialty is philosophical language pedagogy. Specifically, I am researching English education in Japan. As a philosophical framework, he draws on the philosophies of Wittgenstein, Arendt, and others, as well as philosophical considerations such as Luhmann (theoretical sociology), Damasio, Tononi, and Barrett (neuroscience), or Bruner (cultural psychology). By using philosophical concepts, I conduct theoretical research, practical research, and research that bridges the two. In my theoretical work, I have analyzed concepts such as "communicative language ability" and "narrative" and clarified their language pedagogical implications. I am currently working on the concept of "meaning" in particular. My practical research has analyzed the reflections of the incumbent and student teachers of English to show the pathways of growth for English teachers. Currently, I pay particular attention to the function of "dialogue" in "tojisha-kenkyu," a community-based self-help research. Concerning research that bridges scientific knowledge and practical knowledge, I have published articles that show the future perspectives for language education.
Major publications Y. Yanase (2022). The Concepts of Intelligence, Language, and Language Education Revisited by the Development of Machine Translation—Cyborgs, Language Games, and Plurilingualism. The LET Kanto Journal. No.7, pp. 19-36.
柳瀬陽介 (2021) 「学校英語教育は言語教育たりえているのか -- 意味の身体性と社会性からの考察」 『KELESジャーナル』 No.6, pp. 6-23.
柳瀬陽介 (2020) 「当事者の現実を反映する研究のために 複合性・複数性・意味・権力拡充」 、淺川和也・田地野彰・小田眞幸編 (2020) 『英語授業学の最前線』ひつじ書房所収
Y. Yanase (2020) The distinct epistemology of practitioner research: complexity, meaning, plurality, and empowerment. JACET Journal. No. 64, pp. 21-38.
柳瀬陽介 (2018)「なぜ物語は実践研究にとって重要なのか―読者・利用者による一般化可能性」『言語文化教育研究』No. 16, pp. 12-32
柳瀬陽介 (2018) 「意識の統合情報理論からの基礎的意味理論―英語教育における意味の矮小化に抗して―」 『中国地区英語教育学会研究紀要』 No. 48, pp. 53-62.
柳瀬陽介 (2017) 「英語教育実践支援研究に客観性と再現性を求めることについて」『中国地区英語教育学会研究紀要』 No. 47, pp. 83-94.
Y. Yanase (2017) Pedagogical grammar: how should it be designed? in A. Tajino (ed) “A new approach to English pedagogical grammar: the order of meaning.” pp. 26-38.
柳瀬陽介・小泉清裕 (2015) 『小学校からの英語教育をどうするか』岩波書店
Professional societies/Research and synergic activities Japan Society of English Language Education, The Japan Association of College English Teachers, Association for Language and Cultural Education, Japan Language Testing Association, ASIA TEFL, American Association of Applied Linguistics
Teaching Areas
  • Undergraduate courses
  • Graduate courses (Master's program) Language Education Design
  • Graduate courses (Doctor's program)
  • Undergraduate courses open to all departments English Writing-Listening
Background April 2020- Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
April 2019- Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kyoto University
April 2002- Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
April 1999- Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University
April 1991- Faculty of Law, Hiroshima Shudo University

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