研究科: 専攻等/講座 人間・環境学/言語科学
学部: 講座 (学系)
所属機関/部局 国際高等教育院
個人ページ Website

Message to the prospective students



研究分野 外国語教育学,第二言語習得論,応用言語学
キーワード 語彙習得,言語評価,教育文法,学術目的の英語
代表的著書,論文等 最近の出版(抜粋)

Sasao, Y, Webb, S. (2020). The guessing from context test. In S. Webb (Ed.) Approaches to Teaching, Learning, Testing, Researching L2 Vocabulary. (pp. 117-142). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Sasao, Y. (2020). Measuring the ability to learn words. In S. Webb (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies. (pp. 419-432). London: Routledge.

Sasao, Y. (2019). Vocabulary teaching: A systemic perspective. In A. Tajino (Ed.), A Systems Approach to Language Pedagogy. (pp. 39-47). Singapore: Springer.

Mizumoto, A, Sasao, Y, Webb, S. A. (2019). Developing and evaluating a computerized adaptive testing version of the Word Part Levels Test. Language Testing, 36, 1, 101-123

Sasao, Y, Webb, S. (2018). The guessing from context test. ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 169, 1, 114-140

Sasao, Y. (2018). MAP grammar and vocabulary. In A. Tajino (Ed.), A new approach to English pedagogical grammar: The order of meanings (pp.128-136). Oxford: Routledge

Webb, S, Sasao, Y, Ballance, O. (2017). The updated Vocabulary Levels Test: Developing and validating two new forms of the VLT. ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 168, 1, 33-69

Yosuke Sasao, Stuart Webb. (2017). The Word Part Levels Test. Language Teaching Research, 21, 1, 12-30
  • 学部
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  • 大学院博士課程
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経歴等 京都大学 総合人間学部 卒業
京都大学大学院 人間・環境学研究科 修士課程 修了
Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 博士課程 修了

Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics

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